Progressive Congress Action Fund Strongly Condemns
Cruel, Shortsighted Decision to Rescind DACA


Washington, D.C.— On September 5, 2017, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the Trump administration’s intent to rescind Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) with a six-month delay, during which Congress is tasked with finding a legislative replacement.

In response to the rescinding of DACA, Progressive Congress Action Fund issued the following statement:

“DREAMers have a key role to play in helping build our future.  It is a shameful act to deport almost 800,000 people, who positively contribute to their communities and are seeking a better life for themselves and their families, tearing them away from the only country they have ever known and the country that they are proud to call home. 

“We are talking about military veterans and first responders; we are talking about innovators and future leaders of tomorrow,” said Dr. Gabriela D. Lemus, President of Progressive Congress Action Fund. “We are talking about ordinary people working to better provide for themselves, their families, and their communities. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients have earned their deferral status and time and again, over the five years of this program, have consistently demonstrated their capacity to give back and enrich their communities. If DACA is rescinded, the loss of nearly 800,000 members of the workforce will result in the loss of $460.3 billion over the course of the next decade.

“This is a cruel mistake which will hurt all of our communities and leave a deep hole in our economy. Instead of securing our safety, this sends a chilling signal to our immigrant communities that, rather than being valued for their contributions, they will be criminalized for a decision made by others; although they have loved this country and benefitted the nation through their actions, they are not welcome and not safe in the only place they call home. That is a black mark on our history and an affront to the many generations of people who came here and changed our nation for the better.

Progressive Congress Action Fund urges Members of Congress to immediately bring the DREAM Act to the floor of the House and the Senate for a vote.”


Progressive Congress Action Fund is a 501(c)4 inside-outside organization that serves as the vital linkage between grassroots progressive activists and organizations and progressive champions in Congress. PCAF helps shape the progressive agenda by turning innovative, forward-thinking ideas into action and amplifying and strengthening progressive messages on and off Capitol Hill.