Understanding “Must-Pass” Bills 

Updated May 18, 2022

Author: Catherine Rowland, Legislative Affairs Director (catherine@progressivecaucuscenter.org)

It is common to hear members of Congress, their staff, and other stakeholders refer to certain bills as “must-pass”—e.g., “Congress will definitely act on that bill before it recesses for the year, because that’s a ‘must-pass’ bill.” But what is a must-pass bill, and why is it so important that it passes? This explainer will briefly describe what must-pass bills are and how they can be used. It will also discuss possible upcoming must-pass bills. 
This explainer uses numerous terms that are common parlance within Congress, but may be unfamiliar to some readers. It may be useful to consult this glossary, Understanding Capitol Hill Jargon, developed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus Center, when encountering such terms.